Each day a new Beginning <!--071524-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching, Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin into his nest again, I shall not live in vain.  —Emily Dickinson.— The gift of attention to each other is “passing on” the love […]

Promise of a new Day <!--071524-->

Our ordinary minds try to persuade us that we are nothing but acorns and that our greatest happiness will be to become bigger, fatter, shinier acorns; but that is interests only to pigs. Our faith gives us knowledge only of something much better: that we can become oak trees. —E.F. Schumacher— Most of us struggle […]

AA Thought for the Day <!--071524-->

Tightly Bunched Bouquet Of Fall Flowers

After we had sobered up through the A.A. program, we gradually began to get a peace of mind and serenity which we never thought were possible. This peace of mind is based on a feeling that fundamentally all is well. That does not mean that all is well on the surface of things. Little things […]

Daily Reflections <!--071524-->

Butterfly On A Pink Flower

PRIDE For thousands of years we have been demanding more than our share of security, prestige, and romance. When we seemed to be succeeding, we drank to dream still greater dreams. When we were frustrated, even in part, we drank for oblivion. Never was there enough of what we thought we wanted. In all these […]

Keep it Simple <!--071524-->

Let there be spaces in your togetherness. —Kahil Gilran— We all need time alone. Then we can get to know our Higher Power better too. When we were using chemicals, we were afraid of being alone. We didn’t want to think too much. So we got high. Now we know we’re never totally alone. Our […]

My Thought for the Day <!--071524-->

🌺Good Morning To You Beautifully Purposeful talented Woman of this Wonderful day ❗ …🌞🏋️‍♀️🙋 …We can wake up in many ways…🤗😏🤬😭 …However, we need not be stuck in some emotional turmoil or some uphill fight in our mind that will keep us from our well deserved good day…😩⛰🤺 …The only one who keeps us from […]