Each day a new Beginning <!--091024-->
It isn’t for the moment you are struck that you need courage, but for the long uphill climb back to sanity and faith and security. —Anne Morrow Lindbergh— Most of us are on a long uphill climb at this moment. It’s a climb we are making together, and yet a climb we can’t do for […]
A.A. Thought for the Day <!--091024-->
Here are answers to the question of how a person can live without liquor and be happy: “The things we put in place of drinking are more than substitutes for it. One is the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous. In this company, you find release from care, boredom, and worry. Your imagination will be fired. Life […]
Promise of a new Day <!--091024-->
I was tender and often, true; Ever a pray to coincidence, Always I knew the consequence; Always saw what the end would be. We’re as nature made us—hence I loved them until they loved me. —Dorthy Parker— Did Nature really make us so that we despise those who love us? Groucho Marx’s joke,”I wouldn’t belong […]
Daily Reflections <!--091024-->
RECOVERY BY PROXY? They [the Promises] will always materialize if we work for them. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS p. 84 Sometimes I think: “Making these amends is going too far! No one should have to humble himself like that!” However, it is this very humbling of myself that brings me that much closer to the sunlight of […]
My Thought for the Day <!--091024-->
🌈 Good Morning to you Precious Light in this World…🤗🔦🌎…We are here to help one another by Supporting and uplifting each other through a gift of love that come from a kind word or gesture, a Smile or a silence…👭🗣🤐…Our lives are interwoven by a lot of fear and impulsive thinking about ourselves, and that […]
Keep it Simple <!--091024-->
If you want a thing done “right,” you have to do it yourself. —Anonymous— We addicts can be very picky. We think there’s only one way to do things. It’s our way, But we call it the right way. When we think like this, three things happen. First, we put down other people. Second, we […]