Each Day a New Beginning <!--031325-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

People need joy. Quite as much as clothing. Some of them need it far more.  —Margaret Collier Graham— Life is not without pain and travail. They are necessary to new awareness which prompts growth. And the gift of growth is joy. Pain and joy are thus intertwined. It is possible to feel only the burden […]

Each Day a New Beginning <!--031225-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

Love is not getting, but giving. It is sacrifice. And sacrifice is glorious!  —Joanna Field— How easily we mistake attention for love. Even more easily, we trick ourselves into thinking our ability to control someone signifies love – especially theirs for us. But love is something far different from either attention or control. Far different.Love […]

Each Day a New Beginning <!--031125-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

The influence of a beautiful, helpful, hopeful character is contagious, and may revolutionize a whole town.  ––Eleanor H. Porter— We have met certain people who inspired laughter, hope, or changes in us, or those close to us. We look forward to seeing them. We leave their presence believing in ourselves, aware that we can tackle […]

Each Day a New Beginning <!--031025-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

It is healthier to see the good points of others than to analyze our own bad ones.  —Francoise Sagan— Looking for the good in others is good for one’s soul. Self-respect, self-love grows each time we openly acknowledge another’s admirable qualities. Comparisons we make of ourselves with others, focusing on how we fail to measure […]

Each Day a New Beginning <!--030925-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

I want to get you excited about who you are, what you are, what you have, and what can still be for you. I want to inspire you to see that you can go far beyond where you are right now. —Virginia Satir— Deciding to recover was our first step. That decision meant we did […]

Each Day a New Beginning <!--030825-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

To create is to boggle the mind and alter the mood. Once the urge has surged, it maintains its own momentum. We may go along for the ride, but when we attempt to steer the course, the momentum dies.  —Sue Atchley Ebaugh— A sense of spiritual well-being warms us when we are selfless, when we […]

Each Day a New Beginning <!--030725-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person’s character lies in their own hands.  –Anne Frank— We must take responsibility for ourselves, for who we become, for how we live each day. The temptation to blame others may be ever present. And much […]

Each Day a New Beginning <!--030625-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

Life is made up of desires that seem big and vital one minute, and little and absurd the next. I guess we get what’s best for us in the end.  —Alice Caldwell Rice— It is often said that we will be granted our heart’s “pure desires.” When we have many unmet desires, maybe we should […]

Each Day a New Beginning <!--030525-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

Loving, like prayer, is a power as well as a process. It’s curative. It is creative. —Zona Gale— The expression of love softens us and the ones we love. It opens a channel between us. It invites an intimate response that closes the distance. It feels good to express love, whether through a smile, a […]

Each Day a New Beginning <!--030425-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.  —Ursula K. LeGuin… Goals give direction to our lives. We need to know who we are and where we want to go. But the trip itself, the steps we travel, offer us daily satisfaction moment […]