Each day a new Beginning <!--101724-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

Pride, we are told, my children, “goeth before a fall” and oh, the pride was there, and so the fall was not far away. —Wilhelmina Kemp Johnstone— Requesting help. Admitting we are wrong. Owning our mistake in either a big or small matter. Asking for another chance or someone’s love. All very difficult to do, […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--101624-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

History provides abundant examples of . . . women whose greatest gift was in redeeming, inspiring, liberating, and nurturing the gifts of others.  —Sonya Rudikoff— Part of our calling as members of the human community is to unconditionally love and support the people emotionally close to us. We have been drawn together for purposes wonderful […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--101524-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

Character contributes to beauty. It fortifies a woman as her youth fades. —Jacqueline Bisset— How common it is for us to be overly concerned with our looks. The culture encourages it through our families, our friends, the media. Many of us anguished over our looks in years past, and the pain of fading youth haunts […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--101424-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

The balance between mind and spirit comes hard for me. The eternal split. Two entities, perfectly aware and yet perfectly unwilling to cooperate.  —Mary Casey— The program directs our spiritual growth, a human aspect that had atrophied, if ever it had existed, for most of us before abstinence. And the process of developing our spiritual […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--101324-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

Never turn down a job because you think it’s too small; you don’t know where it can lead.  —Julia Morgan— How short is our vision of where an invitation might take us! Any invitation. Of one thing we can be certain, it offers an opportunity for making a choice, which means taking responsibility for who […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--101224-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

…there are two entirely opposite attitudes possible in facing the problems of one’s life. One, to try and change the external world, the other, to try and change oneself.  —Joanna Field— God grant us the courage to change what we can–ourselves. How difficult it is to let go of our struggles to control and change […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--101124-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

Be still and listen to the stillness within.  —Darlene Larson Jenks— No answer eludes us if we turn to the source of all answers–the stillness within. Prayer accompanied by meditation will always provide the answers we need for the situations facing us. The answers we want are not guaranteed, however. We must trust that we […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--101024-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

Sometimes it’s worse to win a fight than to lose.  —Billie Holiday— Our struggles with other people always take their toll on us. They often push us to behavior we’re not proud of. They may result in irreparable rifts. They frequently trigger an emotional relapse. No battle is worth the damage to the psyche that […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--100924-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

When all of the remedies and all of the rhetorical armor have been dropped, the absence of love in our lives is what makes them seem raw and unfinished. —Ingrid Bengis— Love soothes, encourages, inspires. It enhances our wholeness, both when we give it and when we receive it. Without the expression of love we […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--100824-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

The great creative power is everything. If you leave out one whole chunk of it, by making God only masculine, you have to redress the balance.  —Martha Boesing— What a blessing, to be part of God! For many of us, invoking God with a male pronoun put an obstacle in the path of our spiritual […]