Daily Reflections <!--082824-->

Butterfly On A Pink Flower

LIGHTENING THE BURDEN Showing others who suffer how we were given help is the very thing which makes life seem so worth while to us now. . . . the dark past is . . . the key to life and happiness for others. Alcoholics Anonymous, p.124 Since I have been sober, I have been […]

Daily Reflections <!--082724-->

Butterfly On A Pink Flower

CENTERING OUR THOUGHTS When World War II broke out, our A.A. dependence on a Higher Power had its first major test. A.A.’s entered the services and were scattered all over the world. Would they be able to take the discipline, stand up under fire, and endure . . . ? As Bill Sees It, p.200 […]

Daily Reflections <!--082624-->

Butterfly On A Pink Flower

GIVING IT AWAY Though they knew they must help other alcoholics if they would remain sober, that motive became secondary. It was transcended by the happiness they found in giving themselves to others. Alcoholics Anonymous, p.159 Those words, for me, refer to a transference of power, through which God, as I understand Him, enters my […]

Daily Reflections <!--082524-->

Butterfly On A Pink Flower

THE GIFT OF BONDING Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do Thy will. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS , p. 63 Many times in my alcoholic state, I drank to establish a bond between myself and others, but I succeeded only in establishing the bondage of alcoholic loneliness. Through the A.A. way of […]

Daily Reflections <!--082424-->

Butterfly On A Pink Flower

A RIDDLE THAT WORKS It may be possible to find explanations of spiritual experiences such as ours, but I have often tried to explain my own and have succeeded only in giving the story of it. I know the feeling it gave me and the results it has brought, but I realize I may never […]

Daily Reflections <!--082324-->

Butterfly On A Pink Flower

BRINGING THE MESSAGE HOME Can we bring the same spirit of love and tolerance into our sometimes deranged family lives that we bring to our A.A. group? TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS , pp. 111 -112 My family members suffer from the effects of my disease. Loving and accepting them as they are – just […]

Daily Reflections <!--082224-->

Butterfly On A Pink Flower

SEEKING EMOTIONAL STABILITY, p.243 When we developed still more, we discovered the best possible source of emotional stability to be God Himself. We found that dependence upon His perfect justice, forgiveness, and love was healthy, and that it would work where nothing else would. If we really depended upon God, we couldn’t very well play […]

Daily Reflections <!--082124-->

Butterfly On A Pink Flower

WE JUST TRY, p.242 My stability came out of trying to give, not out of demanding that I receive. The Best Of Bill, pp. 46-47 As long as I try, with all my heart and soul, to pass along to others what has been passed along to me, and do not demand anything in return, […]

Daily Reflections <!--082024-->

Butterfly On A Pink Flower

TOWARD EMOTIONAL FREEDOM Since defective relations with other human beings have nearly always been the immediate cause of our woes, including our alcoholism, no field of investigation could yield more satisfying and valuable rewards than this one. TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS , p. 80 Willingness is a peculiar thing for me in that, over […]

Daily Reflections <!--081924-->

Butterfly On A Pink Flower

A FRAME OF REFERENCE Referring to our list [inventory] again. Putting out of our minds the wrongs others had done, we resolutely looked for our own mistakes. Where had we been selfish, dishonest, self-seeking and frightened? ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 67 There is a wonderful freedom in not needing constant approval from colleagues at work or […]