Daily Reflections <!--052923-->

Butterfly On A Pink Flower

TRUE TOLERANCE The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking. TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p. 139 I first heard the short form of the Third Tradition in the Preamble. When I came to A.A. I could not accept myself, my alcoholism, or a Higher Power. If there had been any […]

Thought for the Day <!--052923-->

Tightly Bunched Bouquet Of Fall Flowers

A.A. Thought For The Day— We who have learned to put our drink problem in God’s hands can help others to do so. We can be used as a connection between an alcoholic’s need and God’s supply of strength. We in Alcoholics Anonymous can be uniquely useful, just because we have the misfortune or fortune […]

Keep it Simple <!--052923-->

The more one judges the less on love. —Balzac— At times we need to make judgments about people’s behavior. We stand back and look at how their lives affect our sobriety. We have to do this to choose people whose relationships will be good for us. We have to do this before we trust someone […]

Promise of a New Day<!--052923-->

People noticed and respected families that included many old people, knowing that in those families must be industrious, wise, and spiritual women who gathered good foods, prepared meats properly, and made daily offerings and prayers to the spirits. —May Louise Defender— Until the recent past, the health of her extended family was a woman’s responsibility. […]

Each Day a New Beginning <!--052923-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

Women sometimes gossip when they want to get close to people. —Joan Gilbertson… Feeling alone and lonely heightens our fears of inadequacy. In our alienation from others, paranoia grips us. We yearn to feel connection with someone, and gossip about another someone can draw two lonely people close.** We are bonded. We need a sense […]

Daily Reflections <!--052823-->

Butterfly On A Pink Flower

EQUAL RIGHTS At one time or another most A.A. groups go on rule making benders. . . . After a time fear and intolerance subside. [and we realize] We do not wish to deny anyone his chance to recover from alcoholism. We wish to be just as inclusive as we can, never exclusive. “A.A. TRADITION: […]

Each Day a New Beginning <!--052823-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

Spiritual power can be seen in a person’s reverence for life—hers and all others, including animals and nature, with a recognition of a universal life force referred to by many as God. —Virginia Satir— Taking the time, daily, to recognize the spiritual force in everyone and everything that is all about us, encourages us to […]

Promise of a New Day <!--052823-->

Happiness is a by-product of an effort to make someone else happy. —Gretta Brooker Palmer— Self-centeredness aggravates the natural flow of circumstances surrounding us; too much attention on ourselves distorts whatever might be troubling us. However, focusing on others’ needs diminishes what we’d perceive as our own pressing need. This is a simple principle we […]

Keep it Simple <!--052823-->

Keep it Simple… Who dares nothing, need hope for nothing. —Johann Fredrich Von Schiller— As we grow in recovery, we’ll need to change our behaviors, values, and beliefs to stay sane. This take courage. Courage is doing what is needed in spite of fear. Courage means facing what we can’t change. We can’t change the […]

Thought for the Day <!--052823-->

Tightly Bunched Bouquet Of Fall Flowers

A.A. Thought For The Day— In A.A. we learn that since we are alcoholics we can be uniquely useful people. That is, we can help other alcoholics when perhaps somebody who has not had our experience with drinking could not help them. That makes us uniquely useful. The A.A.s are a unique group of people […]