Promise of a new Day <!--091224-->

The change of one simple behavior can affect others behaviors and thus change many things. —Jean Baer— The effects on every action are far-reaching. Our response to a particular set of circumstances will influence the lives of all persons concerned. Harsh words one time, a smile and praise another, will make their mark in the […]

Daily Reflections <!--091124-->

Butterfly On A Pink Flower

MAKING AMENDS Above all, we should try to be absolutely sure that we are not delaying because we are afraid. TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p. 87 To have courage, to be unafraid, are gifts of my recovery. They empower me to ask for help and to go forth in making my amends with a […]

Promise of a new Day <!--091124-->

We saw endurance, chance, and law.We knew transience but glimpsed eternity. We learned that natures flux is constancy and we were at ease. —Edna Hong and Howard Hong… Precious are the glimpses we get into the nature of things. But we must be ready for them, or the most exquisite lessons will be lost on […]

A.A. Thought for the Day <!--091124-->

Tightly Bunched Bouquet Of Fall Flowers

Continuing the answers to the question of how a person can live without liquor and be happy, we say: “You will be bound to the other A.A.s with new and wonderful ties, for you and they will escape disaster together and all will commence shoulder to shoulder the common journey to a better and more […]

My Thought for the Day <!--091124-->

🌻Good morning Beautiful Friend …👋🌈🌞 … What a Beautiful Day to celebrate where we are, on our journey in our recovery…🎉👣👩‍❤️ …with Courage and Strength, Hope and Willingness, Honesty and Faith… To realize that… JUST CAUSE WE THINK IT, DON’T MAKE IT REAL … LOL…🧠😂😱  … We Have a mind that likes to make up […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--091124-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

I used to think I’d never know the difference between serenity and depression because depression subdued me.  —S.H.— Depression is familiar to us all, and less incapacitating than it used to be. We have made progress, we can be assured. “This too shall pass” is not an empty slogan. Each of us can recall, with […]

Keep it Simple <!--091124-->

This above all: To thine own self be true. —William Shakespeare— What does this saying mean: “To thine own self be true”? Hadn’t we thought only of ourselves before recovery? The answer is no. That wasn’t the real us. Each of us lost touch with our real self because of our addiction. We lost our […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--091024-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

It isn’t for the moment you are struck that you need courage, but for the long uphill climb back to sanity and faith and security.  —Anne Morrow Lindbergh— Most of us are on a long uphill climb at this moment. It’s a climb we are making together, and yet a climb we can’t do for […]

A.A. Thought for the Day <!--091024-->

Tightly Bunched Bouquet Of Fall Flowers

Here are answers to the question of how a person can live without liquor and be happy: “The things we put in place of drinking are more than substitutes for it. One is the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous. In this company, you find release from care, boredom, and worry. Your imagination will be fired. Life […]

Promise of a new Day <!--091024-->

I was tender and often, true; Ever a pray to coincidence, Always I knew the consequence; Always saw what the end would be. We’re as nature made us—hence I loved them until they loved me. —Dorthy Parker— Did Nature really make us so that we despise those who love us? Groucho Marx’s joke,”I wouldn’t belong […]