Keep it Simple <!--100324-->

That which is called firmness “I  a king”  is called stubbornness in a donkey.  —Lord Erskine— “Rigid” is a fancy word for “stubborn.” We act this way because of our fear. When we’re afraid, we hang on to what we’re used to doing. Our illness had us so scared, we were afraid of the new […]

Promise of a new Day <!--100324-->

There is nothing so moving—not even acts of love or hate—as the discovery that one is not alone. —Robert Ardrey— We live in concert with others, compatibly at times and at other times not so well, but always with others. We don’t always acknowledge our togetherness, but when are moved to, we quickly sense the […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--100324-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

Ambiguity means admitting more than one response to a situation and allowing yourself to be aware of those contradictory responses. You may want something and fear it at the same time. You may find it both beautiful and ugly.  —Tristine Rainer— Flexibility is a goal worth the striving. It eases our relations with others, and […]

My Thought for the Day <!--100324-->

💗 Hello Precious Friend, How Strong and Resiliently Beautiful You Are this wonderful morning ❗ 💪👸☔  …We arise in the morning and can find ourselves in conflict with ourselves…🤩😵😡 …and this can tend to lead us into conflicts with others unintentionally and misdirected and feeling alienated…😳🤬👽 …or the exact opposite happens, we wake up refreshed […]

Daily Reflections <!--100324-->

Butterfly On A Pink Flower

SERENITY AFTER THE STORM Someone who knew what he was talking about once remarked that pain was the touchstone of all spiritual progress. How heartily we A.A.’s can agree with him. . . . TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p p. 93-94 When on the roller coaster of emotional turmoil, I remember that growth is […]

A.A. Thought for the Day <!--100324-->

Tightly Bunched Bouquet Of Fall Flowers

How do I talk with new prospects? Am I always trying to dominate the conversation? Do I lay down the law and tell prospects what they will have to do? Do I judge them privately and feel that they have small chance of making the program? Do I belittle them to myself? Or am I […]