Keep it Simple <!--101924-->

A wise man changes his mind, a fool never will. —Seventeenth century proverb— We addicts used to be stubborn. Once we got an idea in our heads, we wouldn’t change it. We didn’t listen to others ideas. We almost seemed to say, “Don’t tell me the facts. I’ve already made up my mind.” But lately […]

Promise of a new Day <!--101924-->

The evening star is the most beautiful of all stars. —Sappho— The first star in the evening sky shines with a special brightness, because it is the first. We see it as a signal; the first sign that afternoon has turned to evening. The first of anything is touched with special glamour; first love, a […]

My Thought for the Day <!--101924-->

🌞 Good Morning Vibrant  Strong SISTER Sharing in this remarkable Morning❗…👭🥳…Instead of reacting instantly to these things and Situations happening around us,  We can pause and pray about it and respond with Loving Kindness, PATIENCE, Tolerance…I cried out in my Fear…Oh Dearest GOD are You There …For I am feeling fright, fear and anxiety … […]

AA Thought for the Day <!--101924-->

Tightly Bunched Bouquet Of Fall Flowers

Do I realize that I do not know how much time I have left? It may be later than I think. Am I going to do the things that I know I should do before my time runs out? By the way, what is my purpose for the rest of my life? Do I realize […]

Daily Reflections <!--101924-->

A. A.’S “MAIN TAPROOT” The principle that we shall find no enduring strength until we first admit complete defeat is the main taproot from which our whole Society has sprung and flowered. TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, pp. 21-22 Defeated, and knowing it, I arrived at the doors of A.A., alone and afraid of the […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--101924-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

One of the conclusions I have come to in my old age is the importance of living in the ever-present now. In the past, too often I indulged in the belief that somehow or other tomorrow would be brighter or happier or richer.  —Ruth Casey— How easily our minds jump from the present to the […]