Our Folded Hands

Women helping Women. Reaching out to the Sister who still suffers. Helping each other through the Good times and the Difficult times. To get to the SOBER way of life, One Day at a Time.

My Thought for the Day

🌞 Good Morning Vibrant  Strong SISTER Sharing in this remarkable Morning❗…👭🥳…Instead of reacting instantly to these things and Situations happening around us,  We can pause and pray about it and respond with Loving Kindness, PATIENCE, Tolerance…I cried out in my Fear…Oh Dearest GOD are You There …For I am feeling fright, fear and anxiety … when all I see is Pain and destruction…again I cried out,
are YOU THERE GOD❓…🗣📢.🤷🏻‍♀️…and Like on the wings of a Morning Dove, You Gently lifted my heart from it’s turbulent fire and reminded me that I am a Resilient CHILD OF GOD…and that when all things seem rough and I get weak, I have A PARENT, A FRIEND, A LOVER, A TEACHER, A CREATOR, A GOD OF MY UNDERSTANDING,
Who Has Not and Will not Let Me DOWN, as long as He where SOUGHT❗…🔥🕊.🙇‍♀️…We are not bad trying to get good…we are SICK TRYING TO GET WELL and this is how we have to try and see Others as well right now❗️…We are such MIRACLES today…Keep Fighting the GOOD FIGHT…and if no one has told you today, “I love you ❗”…🥰💜💛👌