Promise of a new Day <!--091524-->

It is astounding…how much energy the body is capable of pouring out and then replenishing.That is a magical act, because you never really understand where all that energy comes from. —Robert Bly… The energy and persistence of a motivated person are truly marvelous. The work that nourishes us, The work that is a form of […]

Promise of a new Day <!--091424-->

Out of every crisis comes the chance to be reborn… —Nena O’Neill— It is not our smooth passages that reveal new understands, but the strenuous, uphill battles that benefit us with knowledge we need to grow. Looking on our challenges as gifts whose resolution promises greater comfort makes them agreeable, perhaps even prized. Without them […]

Promise of a new Day <!--091324-->

To live is not merely to breathe, it is to act; it is to make use of our organs, senses, faculties, of all those parts of ourselves which gives us the feeling of existence. —Jean-Jacques Rousseau— We are gifted with talents that need encouragement in order to blossom. Few of us fully appreciate our talents. […]

Promise of a new Day <!--091224-->

The change of one simple behavior can affect others behaviors and thus change many things. —Jean Baer— The effects on every action are far-reaching. Our response to a particular set of circumstances will influence the lives of all persons concerned. Harsh words one time, a smile and praise another, will make their mark in the […]

Promise of a new Day <!--091124-->

We saw endurance, chance, and law.We knew transience but glimpsed eternity. We learned that natures flux is constancy and we were at ease. —Edna Hong and Howard Hong… Precious are the glimpses we get into the nature of things. But we must be ready for them, or the most exquisite lessons will be lost on […]

Promise of a new Day <!--091024-->

I was tender and often, true; Ever a pray to coincidence, Always I knew the consequence; Always saw what the end would be. We’re as nature made us—hence I loved them until they loved me. —Dorthy Parker— Did Nature really make us so that we despise those who love us? Groucho Marx’s joke,”I wouldn’t belong […]

Promise of a new Day <!--090924-->

When we cling to pain we end up punishing ourselves. —Leo F. Buscaglia— Pain situations, relationships that hurt us, memories of experience that pinch our nerve endings, need not imprison us. However, we are seldom very quick to let go of pain. Instead, we become obsessed with it, the precipitating circumstances, and the longed-for, but […]

Promise of a new Day <!--090824-->

To dream what one dreams is neither wise nor foolish, success nor unsuccessful. No precautions can be taken against it, except, perhaps, that of remaining permanently awake. —Margaret MacDonald— Dreams, like desires and feelings, simply happen. They happen to everyone from early childhood to old age; they’re part of the life of the human mind, […]

Promise of a new Day <!--090724-->

Tomorrow doesn’t matter for I have lived today. —Horace— The twenty-four hours lying ahead is all we have been promised. With that promise is a guarantee that we will greet opportunities for growth that have their roots in yesterday. Our evolution is not without purpose and design; therefore, we need not concern ourselves with the […]

Promise of a new Day <!--090624-->

A depressing and difficult passage has prefaced every new page I have turned in life. —Charlette Bronte— What would it be like to shed our old skin, like a snake, when it grew to small? perhaps the discomfort we feel at each new stage of growth is something like that feeling. Truly, each new page […]