Promise of a new Day <!--072624-->

The principle of life is that life responds by corresponding; your life becomes the thing you have decided it shall be. —Raymond Charles Barker— The attitude that we carry with us into a particular setting will greatly influence our perception of any event. Our attitude also influences, positively or negatively, personal interactions, and not just […]

Promise of a new Day <!--072524-->

The question is laid out for each of us to ask: Whether to hold on or to drop the mask. —Marths Boesing— Do you ever feel like you are wearing a mask? It’s a strange, uncomfortable feeling. We mistrust our own face; we don’t even know what it looks like, because we put on the […]

Promise of a New Day <!--072424-->

Two great human institutions were apparently inaugurated together, proprietary marriage and the division of society into master and servants. —Emily James Putnam— Just as every generation must invent sex for itself, so every committed relationship must invent equality. The concept is an old one; histories and civic books are full of it; but most of […]

Promise of a new Day <!--072324-->

Not the fruit of experience, but experience itself, is the end. —Walter Pater— The end can never justify the means; the means is life, as we live it, in the present moment. When we read the aged paupers who die on a bare mattress stuffed with cash, we recognize there delusion; but at times we […]

Promise of a new Day <!--072224-->

As contagion of sickness makes sickness, contagion of trust makes trust. —Marianne Moore— Attitudes give birth to themselves. fresh ideas foster fresh responses to old and new situations. Each of us is favored with responses from others that generally match those we’ve shared,too. We should never be surprised by how others treat us. We have […]

Promise of a new Day <!--072124-->

Grief can take care of itself, but to get the true value of joy you must have somebody to divide it with. —Mark Twain— We Share this planet that supports us. We share it with other living creatures, each one offering a necessary ingredient that nurtures and sustains the continuation of the whole. Every experience […]

Promise of a new Day <!--072024-->

Our soul makes constant noise, but it has a silent place we never hear. —Simone Weil— In an unjust, difficult world, our soul is often in pain and weeping. Sometimes it makes joyful noise. But the silent place, the still center, is the one we may neglect. Like white light, this silence of the soul […]

Promise of a new Day <!--071924-->

…[I]f you listen carefully, you get to hear everything you didn’t get to hear in the first place. —Sholom Aleichem— What are those things that we don’t want to hear? Mainly, we don’t want to hear disagreement from people who are important to us. We don’t want to hear that are children are making choices […]

Promise of a new Day <!--071824-->

Man is a pliant animal—a being who gets accustom to anything. —Fyodor Dostoyevsky— The ease with which we adapt to our surroundings is, to some degree, a very positive trait. It means we are generally flexible. However, our pliancy may allow us to adjust to situations that harm us. We learn too much ease to […]

Promise of a new Day <!--071724-->

You had better live your best and act your best and think your best today; for today is the sure preparation for tomorrow and all the other tomorrows that follow. —Harriet Marineau— What’s done is done. What’s been said is said. We can’t undo the mistakes of yesterday. And occasionally they create barriers blocking us […]