Promise of a new Day <!--021225-->

For have you not perceived that imitations, whether of bodily gestures, tones of voice, or modes of thought, if they be persevered in from an early age, are apt to grow into habits and a second nature? —Plato— What does it mean to act “as if?” When we feel angry and unforgiving, it means we […]
Promise of a new Day <!--021125-->

SERVICE: A beautiful word fallen upon bad days. —Claude McKay— Silver service; military service; tennis service; evening service. The word has so many different connotations that we lose the thread that connects them; something done for another. Whether it’s our profession or our gift, service is our offering of skill or care to a fellow […]
Promise of a new Day <!--021025-->

Limited expectations yield only limited results. —Susan Laurson Willig— Our thoughts determine our actions, and when our thoughts are negative, our successes are few. What we hold in our mind is certain to be reflected in the day’s activities. And we are capable of fueling our thoughts positively, if we choose to. Positive self-assessment and […]
Promise of a new Day <!--020925-->

Imagine there’s no country. It isn’t hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for. And no religion, too. —John Lennon… If we let go of all conventions of life as we know it—the laws, religions, customs, and other institutions—we could train our imagination to build new ones, perhaps based on different values of work […]
Promise of a new Day <!--020825-->

He who angers you, conquers you! —Elizabeth Kenny… It’s by choice that we let others control our emotions. When we make that choice we have abdicated our personal responsibility for growth. Deciding to feel how we truly want to feel rather than giving someone else control is freeing, exhilarating, and nourishing. When we let someone […]
Promise of a new Day <!--020725-->

With history piling up so fast, almost every day is the anniversary of something awful. —Joe Brainard… “History” is mostly a record of awful events—war, famine, conspiracy, oppression, betrayal. But surely, every day is equally the anniversary of something wonderful. It’s all in how you look at it. Perhaps a calendar of wonderful anniversaries would […]
Promise of a new Day <!--020625-->

In this world everything changes except good deeds and bad deeds; these follow you as the shadows follow the body.—Ruth Benedict… Our identity, our being at any moment, is a composite of all we have been in the past. Some of our actions have made us wiser. Others haunt us because we didn’t put forth […]
Promise of a new Day <!--020525-->

It’s important to know that words don’t move mountains. Work, exacting work moves mountains. —Danilo Dolci… Exercising our spiritual muscles for the arduous and exacting work of faith is a new thing for many of us. Our culture doesn’t seem to put the same value on spiritual power as it does on muscles or intellect. […]
Promise of a new Day <!--020425-->

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. —Eleanor Roosevelt… Self-talk is powerful. It will develop a healthy ego. Likewise, it can trigger ego deterioration. Our strength in times of trouble can be doubled or eroded depending on the commitment we’ve made to positive self-worth.A secure self-image and unwavering self confidence are characteristics […]
Promise of a new Day <!--020325-->

…fear makes strangers of people who should be friends. —Shirley MacLaine… Life is sterile and stifled when we close ourselves off from the smiles or swift glances of others. The opportunities we have for personal Contacts are not mere chance. We draw to ourselves experiences and thus acquaintances which will lend meaning to our lives.Our […]