Keep it Simple <!--071724-->

Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.-–Marie Curie— We have many sides, some good, and some bad. Maybe we’re afraid to see our faults. But we don’t need to be afraid. After all, we need to know our dark side before we can change it. When we see ourselves […]

Keep it Simple <!--071624-->

We can’t all be heroes because someone has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by. —Will Rogers— Humility is being thankful for the chance to watch the parade. There were days we thought that all that counted were the heroes. But our program has no heroes. It has many fine, spiritual […]

Keep it Simple <!--071524-->

Let there be spaces in your togetherness. —Kahil Gilran— We all need time alone. Then we can get to know our Higher Power better too. When we were using chemicals, we were afraid of being alone. We didn’t want to think too much. So we got high. Now we know we’re never totally alone. Our […]

Keep it Simple <!--071424-->

Most of the evils of life arise from man’s being unable to sit still in a room. —Blaise Pascal— Our program teaches us to slow down. We learn to slow down by taking time out. During these times-outs, we look at our values and see if we’re staying true to them. Because of that, meditation […]

Keep it Simple <!--071324-->

A brother may not be a friend, but a friend will always be a brother.  —Benjamin Franklin— Many of us come from families that aren’t very healthy for us. Many families have lots of love but aren’t able to show it. Maybe our parents argued or drank to much. When we share our recovery with […]

Keep it Simple <!--071224-->

Just because everything is different doesn’t mean anything has changed. —Irene Peter— Our life changed a lot when we stopped drinking and using other drugs. But this is only a start. We need to go further. Our old attitudes can kill us, even if we aren’t drinking or drugging any more. This is called a […]

Keep it Simple <!--071024-->

Everybody knows that when they’re happy, than usually the people around them are happy. —George Harrison— Do we think we can’t be happy until others are happy? Then nobody is happy. Our unhappy friends won’t take our advice. They say,” Why should I do what you say? You are not happy either.” And we answer, […]

Keep it Simple <!--070924-->

First say to yourself what you would be: and then do what you have to do.  —Eptctetus— We often tell ourselves we want to be more peaceful, more in touch with our Higher Power. In other words, we want to become more spiritual. Acting as spiritual people is hard. Tho often, we choose the easy […]

Keep it Simple <!--070824-->

Pain can’t be avoided. It’s as natural as joy.  —Unknown— We got into a lot of trouble trying to avoid pain. We used alcohol and other drugs to avoid pain. We didn’t want to accept pain as a fact of life. We can’t avoid pain, but now we have the program. The program teaches us […]

Keep it Simple <!--070724-->

Be brave enough to accept the help of others Often is the past, we acted like we didn’t need anyone. It takes courage to let others help us. As we get better, our courage grows. We invite people into our lives. We help others, and we let others help us. We will learn to let […]