Keep it Simple <!--090524-->
I have never seen a greater monster or miracle than myself. —Montaigne— We know we’ve hurt people. We’ve heard our family cry out from pain we’ve caused them. Because of alcohol and other drugs, we acted like monsters. But we now live surrounded with love. We now work to make this world better. Recovery is […]
Keep it Simple <!--090424-->
In my view, we of this world are pupils in great school of life. —Bill W.— Our addiction has taught me much. It has taught us how far we can get from ourselves, our Higher Power, and those who love us.. Hopefully, we’ve learned we can’t go it alone. Do I allow myself to learn […]
Keep it Simple <!--090324-->
You will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it. . . —Alcoholics Anonymous— As we work the Steps, we fix our broken life. Many things in our new life have been painful. Our addiction to alcohol or drugs made it all worse. But if things hadn’t gotten so bad we […]
Keep it Simple <!--090224-->
… except when to do so would injure them or others. —Second half of Step Nine— We have to be careful when we make amends. We must think about people’s well being. Can we help heal by being direct with them? Or would it hurt them again? At times, this means not making direct amends. […]
Keep it Simple <!--090124-->
Made direct amends to such people wherever possible . . . —First half of Step Nine— In our illness, we harmed people. In Step Nine, we are to make amends. Making amends is about asking people we have harmed what we need to do to set things right. But making amends is more than saying, […]
Keep it Simple <!--083124-->
One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life. —Eleanor Roosevelt— We’re going to have tough times. Maybe we don’t get a pay raise. Maybe we get fired. Whatever happens, don’t use alcohol or other drugs. Whatever happens, keep working the program. Our program will never turn its back on us. When tough […]
Keep it Simple <!--083024-->
Love is something if you give away, you end up having more. —Malvina Reynolds— Service is how we give love away. It’s the “self” of self-help. Service is not a duty; a gift that’s been given to us. We help ourselves by helping others. It’s how we make sure the program will be here tomorrow. […]
Keep it Simple <!--082924-->
This day I choose to spend in perfect peace. —A Course in Miracles— Today, let’s be gentle and kind. Lets talk to ourselves with love and respect. Let’s be gentle with others too. Today, let’s be clear in how we think, speak, and act. And if we start to get mixed up, let’s stop thinking […]
Keep it Simple <!--082824-->
The saints are the sinners who kept going. —Robert Louis Stevenson— The saints are what our program calls the “winner.” We’re told to “stick” with the winners. Saints are just proven winners. They keep on believing in their Higher Power even when things get hard. There will be times when we’ll want to give up. […]
Keep it Simple <!--082724-->
Things do not change, we do. —Henry David Thoreau— There are still as many bars as there were when we were drinking. There are still lots of drugs around. The world hasn’t changed. What’s changed is that we now live a different way of life. We’ve learned that, for us, alcohol and other drugs are […]