Keep it Simple <!--072624-->

I was never less alone when by myself.—Edward Gibson— To stay in this program, we need to accept that we have an illness. We need to accept that we were out of control. And we need to accept that we need others and they need us. At times, we won’t want to accept these facts. […]

Keep it Simple <!--072524-->

If the spirit within us withers (dies), so to will all the world we build around us. —Theodore Roszab— This is what happened during our illness—our spirits were dying. Our relationships were dying. this is because addiction is death. And recovery is life! The Steps breathe like into us. Our groups breathe life into us. […]

Keep it Simple <!--072424-->

The work of adult life is not easy.  —Gail Sheehy— We used to look for a easier, softer way. We tried to take care of ourselves by staying clear of hard task. The result? We haven’t known what the work of adult life is. The work of adult life is this: to become spiritually centered. […]

Keep it Simple <!--072324-->

Don’t talk unless you can improve the silence. —Laurence Couglin— “Do I talk to much?” Most of us wonder this sometimes. There are some ways to find out. Asked yourself these questions: “How much do I know about people in my life?” “What do they think and feel?” “Do I listen to them?” “Do I […]

Keep it Simple <!--072224-->

. . . for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. —Luke 17:21— We want so much to be good. Even when we used alcohol or other drugs, we wanted to believe we were good people. But we often felt we couldn’t measure up. We thought we had to live by a set of […]

Keep it Simple <!--072124-->

There is no human problem which could not be solved if people would simply do as I advise. —Gore Vidal— Many of us used a “know it all” act to keep people away. We kept everyone around us on edge. They were afraid of our judgments, just we were secretly afraid of theirs. Why were […]

Keep it Simple <!--072024-->

Living so fully. I can’t image what any drug would do for me.—Joan Baez— When we were using alcohol and other drugs, our lives kept getting emptier. We tired to keep new things out of our lives. We were scared and tired. We saw feelings as bad. So we got high instead of feeling them. […]

Keep it Simple <!--071924-->

We grow small trying to be great. We dreamed of being great. Trying to be great is about control. We’ve caused a lot of trouble trying to control things. We’ve been afraid to just let things happen, We’re not very trusting. Many of us have good reasons not to trust. Whatever the reasons, we had […]

Keep it Simple <!--071824-->

It takes twenty years to become an overnight success.—Eddie Cantor— Successful people make life look easy. But it’s not. Years of hard work, trial and error, and learning probably went on into each success. The key is this: We must choose to do what we really like. If we want to be successful, we’ll have […]

Keep it Simple <!--071724-->

Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.-–Marie Curie— We have many sides, some good, and some bad. Maybe we’re afraid to see our faults. But we don’t need to be afraid. After all, we need to know our dark side before we can change it. When we see ourselves […]