AA Thought for the Day <!--072624-->

Tightly Bunched Bouquet Of Fall Flowers

When we come to the end of our lives on earth, we will take no material thing with us. We will not take one cent in our cold, dead hands. The only things that we may take are the things we have given away. If we have helped others, we may take that with us; […]

AA Thought for the Day <!--072524-->

Tightly Bunched Bouquet Of Fall Flowers

We are living on borrowed time. We are living today because of A.A. and the grace of God. And what there is left of our lives we owe to A.A. and to God. We should make the best use we can of our borrowed time and in some small measure pay back for that part […]

AA Thought for the Day <!--072424-->

Tightly Bunched Bouquet Of Fall Flowers

A.A. is like a dike, holding back the ocean of liquor. If we take one glass of liquor, it is like making a small hole in the dike and once such a hole has been made, the whole ocean of alcohol may rush in upon us. By practicing the A.A. principles we keep the dike […]

AA Thought for the Day <!--072324-->

Tightly Bunched Bouquet Of Fall Flowers

We should remember that all A.A.’s have “clay feet.” We should not set any member upon a pedestal and mark her or him out as a perfect A.A. Its not fair to the person to be singled out in this fashion and if the person is wise she or he will not wish it. If […]

AA Thought for the day <!--072224-->

Tightly Bunched Bouquet Of Fall Flowers

One of the finest things about A.A. is the diversity of its membership. We come from all walks and stations of life. All types and classes of people are represented in an A.A. group. Being different from each other in certain ways, we can each make a different contribution to the whole. Some of us […]

AA Thought for the Day <!--072124-->

Tightly Bunched Bouquet Of Fall Flowers

If we feel the need of saying something to put another member on the right track, we should try to say it with understanding and sympathy, not with a critical attitude. We should keep everything out in the open and aboveboard. The A.A. program is wonderful, but we must really follow it. We must all […]

AA Thought for the Day <!--072024-->

Tightly Bunched Bouquet Of Fall Flowers

We must be loyal to the group and to each member of it. We must never accuse members behind their backs or even to their faces. It’s up to them to tell us themselves if anything is wrong. More than that, we must try not to think bad things about any members, because if we […]

AA Thought for the Day <!--071924-->

Tightly Bunched Bouquet Of Fall Flowers

Gossip about or criticism of personalities has no place in an A.A. clubroom. Every man in A.A. is a brother and every woman is a sister, as long as he or she is a member of A.A. We ought not to gossip about the relationships of any man or woman in the group. And if […]

AA Thought for the Day <!--071824-->

Tightly Bunched Bouquet Of Fall Flowers

Two things can spoil group unity–gossip and criticism. To avoid these divisive things, we must realize that we’re all in the same boat. We’re like a group of people in a life-boat after the steamer has sunk. If we’re going to be saved, we’ve got to pull together. It’s a matter of life or death […]

AA Thought for the Day <!--071724-->

Tightly Bunched Bouquet Of Fall Flowers

The new life of sobriety that we are learning to live in A.A. is slowly growing on us and we are beginning to get some of that deep peace of mind and serenity that we never thought were possible. At first we may have doubted that this could happen to us, but after any considerable […]