AA Thought for the Day <!--061624-->

Tightly Bunched Bouquet Of Fall Flowers

But even faith is not the whole story. There must be service. We must give this thing away if we want to keep it. The Dead Sea has no outlet and it is stagnant and full of salt. The Sea of Galilee is clear and clean and blue, as the Jordan River carries it out […]

Each day a New Beginning <!--061624-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

The pain of love is the pain of being alive. It’s a perpetual wound. —Maureen Duffy— We live in one another’s company. We grow to yearn for one another’s company at a deeper level. The yearning reciprocated opens the way to a love relationship, a relationship both blessed and torn by intimacies. It’s human to […]

Daily Reflections <!--061624-->

Butterfly On A Pink Flower

OPEN-MINDEDNESS We have found that God does not make too hard terms with those who seek Him. To us, the realm of spirit is broad, roomy, all inclusive, never exclusive or forbidding to those who earnestly seek. It is open, we believe, to all men. AS BILL SEES IT, p. 7 Open-mindedness to concepts of […]

Promise of a new Day <!--061624-->

Hold fast to dreams for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. —Langston Hughes— Our dreams the the invitations to preform the dance we’ve been gifted with. Dreams are full of purpose. They mean to inspire us, acting as markers along the the paths to our destination. Had we no dreams, […]

Keep it Simple <!--061624-->

Solving our common problem… Recovery, Twelve Step programs bring together people who admit certain behaviors that society often views with pity or contempt. Some of these behaviors, such as alcoholism and gambling, are heavily stigmatized. Though we often talk about “our common problem”, the thing we have most in common with each other is that […]

Daily Reflections <!--061524-->

Butterfly On A Pink Flower

MAKING A. A. YOUR HIGHER POWER “. . . . . You can . . . make A. A. itself your ‘higher power.’ Here’s a very large group of people who have solved their alcohol problem. . . . .many members . . . . have crossed the threshold just this way. . . . […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--061524-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

For many years I was so flexible I didn’t know who I was, and now that I’m discovering who I am, I think “OK, I know where I stand on that issue. Now on to the next one.” But I have to remind myself that all issues are interrelated–no one is separate. —Kathleen Casey Theisen— […]

Promise of a new Day <!--061524-->

The Oran, as elsewhere, for lack of time and thinking, people have to love one another without knowing much about it. —Albert Camus— What is time for us? How often we say, ” I don’t have time the for—” meaning our marriages, our friends, our children, our hobbies, our parents, ourselves. Just what is important, […]

AA Thought for the Day <!--061524-->

Tightly Bunched Bouquet Of Fall Flowers

In A.A. we have three things: fellowship, faith, and service. Fellowship is wonderful, but its wonder lasts just so long. Then some gossip, disillusionment, and boredom may come in. Worry and fear come back at times and we find that fellowship is not the whole story. Then we need faith. When we’re alone, with nobody […]

Keep It Simple <!--061524-->

He who laughs, last.—Mary Pettibone Poole— It feels good to laugh again! Our disease took away our sense of humor. Recovery gives it back. That’s why there’s so much laughter at our meetings. By seeing the funny side of things, we ease up. A person in treatment was talking about the Higher Power he had […]