Each day a new Beginning <!--082824-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

There are sounds to seasons. There are sounds to places, and there are sounds to every time in one’s life. ––Alison Wyrley Birch— Life is rich and full. Your life. My life. Even when the day feels flat or hollow, there’s a richness to it that escapes our attention. We see only what we choose […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--082724-->

Acceptance is not submission; it is acknowledgment of the facts of a situation. Then deciding what you’re going to do about it.  —Kathleen Casey Theisen— Recovery offers us courage to make choices about the events of our lives. Passive compliance with whatever is occurring need no longer dominate our pattern of behavior. Powerlessly watching our […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--082624-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

A woman who has no way of expressing herself and of realizing herself as a full human has nothing else to turn to  but the owning of material things.  —Enriqueta Longeaux Vasquez— Each of us struggling with these Twelve Steps is finding self-expression and self-definition. Introspection, coupled  with self-revelation through sharing with others, affords us […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--082524-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

In soloing–as in other activities–it is far easier to start something than it is to finish it.  —Amelia Earhart— Procrastination plagues us all, at one time or another. But any activity that is worthy of our effort should be tackled by bits and pieces, one day at a time. We are too easily overwhelmed when […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--082424-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

There were many ways of breaking a heart. Stories were full of hearts broken by love, but what really broke a heart was taking away its dream–whatever that dream might be.  —Pearl S. Buck— No new door is opened without the inner urge for growth. Dreams guide us, encourage us, stretch us to new heights–and […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--082324-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

Were our knowledge of human relationships a hundredfold more reliable than it is now, it would still be foolish to seek ready-made solutions for problems of living in the index of a book. —Mirra Komarovsky— The problems each of us experience have within their own parameters the solutions most fitting. And we each must discover […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--082224-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

We’re only as sick as the secrets we keep.  —Sue Atchley Ebaugh— Harboring parts of our inner selves, fearing what others would think if they knew, creates the barriers that keep us separate, feeling different, certain of our inadequacies. Secrets are burdens, and they weigh heavily on us, so heavily. Carrying secrets makes impossible the […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--082124-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

With each new day I put away the past and discover the new beginnings I have been given. —Angela L. Wozniak— We can’t recapture what is no more. And the minutes or hours we spend dwelling on what was or should have been only steal away from all that presently is. Today stands before us […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--082024-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

Everything in life that we really accept undergoes a change. So suffering must become love. That is the mystery. –Katherine Mansfield— Acceptance of those conditions that at times plague us changes not only the conditions but, in the process, ourselves. Perhaps this latter change is the more crucial. As each changes, as we all change […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--081924-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

…to have a crisis and act upon it is one thing. To dwell in perpetual crisis is another.  —Barbara Grizzut Harrison— Exaggerating the negative element in our lives is familiar behavior for all too many of us. But this obsession is  our choice. We can stop at any moment. We can decide to let go […]