We’re only as sick as the secrets we keep. —Sue Atchley Ebaugh—
Harboring parts of our inner selves, fearing what others would think if they knew, creates the barriers that keep us separate, feeling different, certain of our inadequacies.
Secrets are burdens, and they weigh heavily on us, so heavily. Carrying secrets makes impossible the attainment of serenity–that which we strive for daily. Abstinence alone is not enough. It must come first, but it’s not enough by itself. It can’t guarantee that we’ll find the serenity we seek.
This program of recovery offers self-assurance, happiness, spiritual well-being, but there’s work to be done. Many steps to be taken. And one of these is total self-disclosure. It’s risky, it’s humbling, and it’s necessary.
When we tell others who we really are, it opens the door for them to share likewise. And when they do, we become bonded. We accept their imperfections and love them for them. And they love us for ours. Our struggles to be perfect, our self-denigration because we aren’t, only exaggerates even more the secrets that keep us sick.
Our tarnished selves are lovable; secrets are great equalizers when shared. We need to feel our oneness, our sameness with other women.
Opportunities to share my secrets will present themselves today. I will be courageous.