Each day a new Beginning <!--081924-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

…to have a crisis and act upon it is one thing. To dwell in perpetual crisis is another.  —Barbara Grizzut Harrison— Exaggerating the negative element in our lives is familiar behavior for all too many of us. But this obsession is  our choice. We can stop at any moment. We can decide to let go […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--081824-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

Today was like a shadow. It lurked behind me. It’s now gone forever. Why is it that time is such a difficult thing to befriend? —Mary Casey— Each passing minute is all that we are certain of having. The choice is ever present to relish the moment, reaping fully whatever its benefits, knowing that we […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--081724-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

Life is not always what one wants it to be, but to make the best of it as it is, is the only way of being happy.  –Jennie Jerome Churchill— We are generally so certain that we know what’s best for ourselves. And we are just as often certain that what we think is best […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--081624-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

Love is a force. It is not a result; it is a cause. It is not a product; it produces. It is a power, like money, or steam or electricity. It is valueless unless you can give something else by means of it. —Anne Morrow Lindbergh— Love and feeling loved—how often both elude us! We […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--081524-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

Life does not need to mutilate itself in order to be pure.  —Simone Weil— How terribly complicated we choose to make life’s many questions. Should we call a friend and apologize or wait for her call? Are the children getting the kind of care they must, right now? That we “Came to believe in a […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--081424-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

Often when we’re being tough and strong, we’re scared. It takes a lot of courage to allow ourselves to be vulnerable, to be soft.  —Dudley Martineau— We’ve developed defenses for protection because we have felt the need for protection from the abuses of others, parents on occasion, bosses, spouses, even strangers. And in certain situations, […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--081324-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

Anything forced into manifestation through personal will is always “ill got” and has “ever bad success.”  –Florence Scovel Shinn— The main thrust of our recovery is to attune ourselves to God’s will, struggling no longer to impose our own. The pain we’ve endured in past years was often of our own making. We controlled situations […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--081224-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

When a woman has love, she is no longer at the mercy of forces greater than herself, for she, herself, becomes the powerful force.  —Veronica Casey— The need for love is universal. Each of us longs for the affirmation that assures us we are needed, appreciated, desired. We are strengthened by the strokes others give […]

Each day a new beginning <!--081124-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

Imagination has always had powers of resurrection that no science can match.  —Ingrid Bengis— In the imagination are transmitted messages, from God to us. Inspiration is born there. So are dreams. Both give rise to the goals that urge us forward, that invite us to honor this life we’ve been given with a contribution, one […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--081024-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

…the growth of understanding follows an ascending spiral rather than a straight line.  –Joanna Field— We each are traveling our own, very special path in this life. At times our paths run parallel to each other. On occasion they may intersect. But we do all have a common destination: knowledge of life’s meaning. And we’ll […]