Our Folded Hands

Women helping Women. Reaching out to the Sister who still suffers. Helping each other through the Good times and the Difficult times. To get to the SOBER way of life, One Day at a Time.

Pretty Purple Flowers

Each day a new Beginning

Life does not need to mutilate itself in order to be pure.  —Simone Weil—
How terribly complicated we choose to make life’s many questions. Should we call a friend and apologize

or wait for her call? Are the children getting the kind of care they must, right now? That we “Came to believe

in a power greater than ourselves” is often far from our thoughts when we most need it.
Our need to make all things perfect, to know all the answers, to control everything within our range, creates

problems where none really exist. And the more we focus on the problem we’ve created, the bigger it becomes.
Inattention relieves the tension; last week’s problems can seldom be recalled. The one we are keeping a problem with our undivided attention can be turned loose, at this moment. And just as quickly, the turmoil we’ve been feeling will be beyond recall too.
The program offers us another way to approach life. We need not mutilate it or ourselves. We can learn to accept the things we cannot change, and change the things we can . . . with practice.
I will pray for wisdom today. I shall expect wisdom, not problems, and the day will smoothly slip by.