Keep it Simple <!--081624-->

The strongest rebellion may be expressed in quiet, undramatic behavior.—Benjamin Spock— In recovery, we each rebel against our disease. Each day we fight for the freedom to stay close to our Higher Power, friends and family. It’s mainly a quiet battle. It’s fought daily. We fight and win by acting in a spiritual way. We […]

Keep it Simple <!--081524-->

We know what we are, but know not what we may be. —Shakespeare— We are addicts. We suffer from an illness. We go to Twelve Step meetings because we know who we are. We have a sponsor because we know who we are. We ask friends for support because we know who we are. We […]

Keep it Simple <!--081424-->

The best side of a saloon is outside. —Anonymous— We need to stay away from places where we used to drink or use other drugs. Sometimes we need to stay away from our old using friends. But some days it’s hard to stay away. We remember the fun times. Or we want a quick fix […]

Keep it Simple <!--081324-->

Once it[a spoken word] flies out, you can’t catch it. —Russian proverb— We’ve said many mean words. Our words often hurt the people we love. We can never really take back the words. But we’re learning now to speak with care . We know the words have a lot of power. What do we say […]

Keep it Simple <!--081224-->

Fairness is what justice really is. —The last Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart— Some of us get hung up on what’s fair. We might feel, because we’ve worked hard to stay sober, we should be rewarded. We might keep score of what we get and what others get. And we complain if it’s “not fair.” […]

Keep it Simple <!--081124-->

The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win you’re still a rat. — Lily Tomlin— Alcoholism is rat race. Drug addiction is a rat race. We were always trying to keep one or two steps ahead of the cat. We were always sneaking around, and everyone was disgusted with us. Our […]

Keep it Simple <!--081024-->

There are time we must grab God’s and walk forward. —Anonymous— Sometimes we struggle with being part of the problem, instead of being part of the solution. Inside we know this, but somehow we can’t Let Go and Let God. To let go takes faith that the outcome will be okay. When we have faith, […]

Keep it Simple <!--080924-->

If there is no wind, row. —Latin proverb— At times, staying sober will be easy; at other times, it will be hard. But we must do what is needed to stay sober. Having a hard week? Go to extra meetings. Feeling alone? Call a friend and ask if you can get together. Feel like drinking? […]

Keep it Simple <!--080824-->

Adventure is not outside a man; it is within.—David Grayson— Sobriety. It’s an exciting adventure. It’s a spiritual adventure. We look inward. We find where our Higher Power lives: within us. We then reach outward. We share our joy with others. Not with words and preaching, but by trying to help others. Sobriety is faith […]

Keep it Simple <!--080724-->

True enjoyment comes from activity of the mind and exercise of the body. —Humboldt— In recovery, we work at taking better care of ourselves. We care for our mind and our body. Often, during our drinking and drugging, we ignored our mind and body. We probably ate poorly, and we pushed our body to the […]