Keep it Simple <!--021225-->

We are always the same age inside.—Gertrude Stein— Deep inside, we each have a child’s spirit. We still have many of the feelings we had when we were young. Some of us have a hurting child inside. There’s sadness, fear, or anger that hasn’t gone away. We’re still lonely, no matter how many people care […]
Daily Reflections <!--021225-->

“THE ROOT OF OUR TROUBLES” Selfishness–self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of all our troubles. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 62 How amazing the revelation that the world, and everyone in it, can get along just fine with or without me. What a relief to know that people, places and things will be perfectly okay without […]
My Thought for the Day <!--021225-->

πΊ Good Morning Sunshineβ…ππ…We are all part of a vast flow of life. Like a rushing river that makes its way to the great wide open ocean…πππ…The Process is uncomfortable, all the stones it flows over, all the sticks it picks up, not too mention all the people’s jumping in for a swim or zooming […]
Promise of a new Day <!--021225-->

For have you not perceived that imitations, whether of bodily gestures, tones of voice, or modes of thought, if they be persevered in from an early age, are apt to grow into habits and a second nature?Β —Plato— What does it mean to act “as if?” When we feel angry and unforgiving, it means we […]
Each Day a New Beginning <!--021225-->

There are no new truths, but only truths that have not been recognized by those who have perceived them without noticing. —Mary McCarthy— We understand today ideas we couldn’t grasp yesterday. We are conscious this year of details of our past that we may have glossed over at the time. Our blinders are slowly giving […]
Keep it Simple <!--021125-->

Sanity is madness put to good use.—George Santayana— In Step Two we come to believe a Power greater than ourselves can restore us to sanity. In a way, as we work Step Two, we’re praying that our madness can be put to good use. This is just what happens. Addiction was wrecking our life. But […]
Promise of a new Day <!--021125-->

SERVICE: A beautiful word fallen upon bad days. —Claude McKay— Silver service; military service; tennis service; evening service. The word has so many different connotations that we lose the thread that connects them; something done for another. Whether it’s our profession or our gift, service is our offering of skill or care to a fellow […]
Daily Reflections <!--021125-->

THE LIMITS OF SELF-RELIANCE We asked ourselves why we had them [fears]. Wasn’t it because self-reliance failed us? ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS,Β p.68 All of my character defects separate me from God’s will. When I ignore my association with Him I face the world and my alcoholism alone and must depend on self-reliance. I have never found […]
My Thought for the Day <!--021125-->

π»Good morning Beautiful Friend …πππ … What a Beautiful Day to celebrate where we are, on our journey in our recovery…ππ£π©ββ€οΈ …with Courage and Strength, Hope and Willingness, Honesty and Faith… To realize that… JUST CAUSE WE THINK IT, DON’T MAKE IT REAL … LOL…π§ ππ±Β … We Have a mind that likes to make up […]
AA Thought for the Day <!--021125-->

If we’re going to stay sober, we’ve got to learn to want something else more than we want to drink. When we first came into A.A., we couldn’t imagine wanting anything else so much or more than drinking. So we had to stop drinking on faith, on faith that someday we really would want something […]