Daily Reflections <!--072424-->

Butterfly On A Pink Flower

HELPING OTHERS “Our very lives, as ex-problem drinkers, depend upon our constant thought of others and how we may help meet their needs. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 20 Self-centeredness was my problem. All my life people had been doing things for me and I not only expected it, but I was ungrateful and resentful they didn’t […]

My Thought for the Day <!--072424-->

🌺 Good morning to a Strong, Resilient Woman in this World❗…🌴🌎…What can we do for ourselves to LIVE in the PRESENT moment, and be the BEST self we can be for ourselves and others❓…πŸŒΎπŸ™‹πŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ’‹β€πŸ‘©…By starting this day with a GREAT ATTITUDE and asking for HELP when we start to struggle in our thoughts and actions…πŸ˜πŸ˜‡πŸ€¬…Doing […]

Each day a new Beginning <!--072424-->

Pretty Purple Flowers

… The idea has gained currency that women have often been handicapped not only by a fear of failure—not unknown to men either, but by a fear of success as well.Β  —Sonya Rudikoff— It was our practice, before coming to this program, to eat, drink, and smoke our fears away. What we came to realize, […]

AA Thought for the Day <!--072424-->

Tightly Bunched Bouquet Of Fall Flowers

A.A. is like a dike, holding back the ocean of liquor. If we take one glass of liquor, it is like making a small hole in the dike and once such a hole has been made, the whole ocean of alcohol may rush in upon us. By practicing the A.A. principles we keep the dike […]

Promise of a New Day <!--072424-->

Two great human institutions were apparently inaugurated together, proprietary marriage and the division of society into master and servants. —Emily James Putnam— Just as every generation must invent sex for itself, so every committed relationship must invent equality. The concept is an old one; histories and civic books are full of it; but most of […]

Keep it Simple <!--072424-->

The work of adult life is not easy.Β  —Gail Sheehy— We used to look for a easier, softer way. We tried to take care of ourselves by staying clear of hard task. The result? We haven’t known what the work of adult life is. The work of adult life is this: to become spiritually centered. […]