I no longer refuse to do anything because I cannot
do it to perfection. Many of us alcoholics use the
excuse of not being able to do something perfectly
to enable us to do nothing at all. We pretend to be
perfectionists. We are good at telling people how a
thing should be done, but when we come to the effort
of doing it ourselves, we balk. We say to ourselves:
I might make a mistake, so I’d better let the whole
thing slide. In A.A. we set our goals high, but that
does not prevent us from trying. The mere fact that
we will never fully reach these goals does not
prevent us from doing the best we can. Have I stopped
hiding behind the smoke-screen of perfectionism?
Meditation For The Day
“In the world ye shall have tribulation. But be of
good cheer. I have overcome the world.” Keep an
undaunted spirit. Keep your spirit free and unconquered.
You can be undefeated and untouched by failure and all
its power, by letting your spirit overcome the world;
rise above the earth’s turmoil into the secret chamber
of perfect peace and confidence. When a challenge comes
to you, remember that you have God’s help and nothing
can wholly defeat you.
Prayer For The Day
I pray that I may have confidence and be of good cheer.
I pray that I may not fear the power of failure.