Our Folded Hands

Women helping Women. Reaching out to the Sister who still suffers. Helping each other through the Good times and the Difficult times. To get to the SOBER way of life, One Day at a Time.

Daily Readings And Meditations

Pretty Purple Flowers

New Beginnings

Children awaken your own sense of self when you see them hurting, struggling, testing; when you watch their eyes and listen to their hearts. Children are gifts, if we accept them.  –Kathleen Tierney Crilly— Children look to us and their world with fresh eyes, uncynical attitudes, open hearts. They react spontaneously to the events in their lives; what they feel is who they are. Close observation of children can help us. See how complex we have made our lives! Their simple honesty can serve us well. To look at the world, once again, with wonder, is a by-product offered us when we live the principles of this program. So many gifts await us when we accept the program and its principles. We dispense with the baggage of the past. We learn to live this day only. And we come to believe that there is a power greater than ourselves that has everything and us in our lives under control. Children instinctively trust those who take care of them. We can learn to trust, once again, when we apply the Steps of this program to our lives. I will look to this day with wonder and trust. Everything is okay. I am in the care of a power greater.

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TRUE TOLERANCE Finally, we begin to see that all people, including ourselves, are to some extent emotionally ill as well as frequently wrong, and then we approach true tolerance and see what real love for our fellows actually means. TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p. 92 The thought occurred to me that all people are emotionally ill to some extent. How could we not be? Who among us is spiritually perfect? Who among us is physically perfect? How could any of us be emotionally perfect? Therefore, what else are we to do but bear with one another and treat each other as we would be treated in similar circumstances? That is what love really is.

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If you want knowledge, you must take part in the practice of changing reality. If you want to know the taste of a pear, you must change the pear by eating it yourself. —Mao Tse-tung— Our language is poor in words that convey emotional meaning. To know, with intellect, is not the same as knowing with all our being. We can “know” in our heads that the universe is infinite, but until we experience that knowledge in our hearts, our spirits, in the pits of our stomachs—we can’t really know it. Full knowledge means change. Experience of the infinite changes us; once we have experienced awe, we are not the same. We can understand oppression or injustice, but until we experience it in our bones and breath, the knowledge is not truly available to us. The knowledge that changes is the knowledge we seek. And sometimes we must change in order to obtain it. If we find ourselves living in a way that contradicts what we know, we change our lives. We are continually changing as we grow. Our spiritual progress is a record of small changes that bring us closer to the truth our spirit recognizes. I will not fear change; I will trust that it brings the knowledge I need.

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Keep It Simple

Life is what happens to us while we’re making other plans. —Thomas LaMance— What happened to our years of drinking and using other drugs? They seemed to pass so quickly with so little to show for them. We had plans, but we didn’t get where we wanted to go. There was always “tomorrow.” What a difference today! Now we work a program that helps us really live each day. We’re not losing time out of our lives anymore. Now every day is full of life: sights, sounds, people, feelings—those things we used to miss out on. We have the help of a Higher Power who makes every day important. Prayer for the Day:  Higher Power, help me do Your will for me today. I place this day in Your care. Action for the Day:  Be on the lookout today for signs of life!

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Thought For The Day

I am content to face the rest of my life without alcohol. I have made the great decision once and for all. I have surrendered as gracefully as possible to the inevitable. I hope I have no more reservations. I hope that nothing can happen to me now that would justify my taking a drink. No death of a dear one. No great calamity in any area of my life should justify me in drinking. Even if I were on some desert isle, far from the rest of the world, but not far from God, should I ever feel it right to drink. For me, alcohol is out–period. I will always be safe unless I take that first drink. Am I fully resigned to this fact? Meditation For The Day Day by day we should slowly build up an unshakable faith in a Higher Power in that Power’s ability to give us all the help we need. By having these quiet times each morning, we start each day with a renewing of our faith, until it becomes almost a part of us and is a strong habit. We should keep furnishing the quiet places of our souls with all the furniture of faith. We should try to fill our thoughts each day with all that is harmonious and good, beautiful, and enduring. Prayer For The Day I pray that I may build a house in my soul for the spirit of God to dwell in. I pray that I may come at last to an unshakable faith.

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My Thoughts For The Day

🦋 Good Morning  Sunshine!!! 🌄🌹…How Beautiful and vibrant life can be when we are coherent to Live in it…👩‍❤️ 🌞…We can walk around with an ATTITUDE of, “I must to Do this.” or,” I Have to get this Done,” which can seemingly make us feel as though we are stuck and obligated…😕😤…Ultimately it can lead us to angry, irritable and discontent  with ourselves and those around us…👨‍👨‍👧‍👧🔫😈… LoL…😁😂… but when we can ask our HIGHER POWER  in prayer and meditation for some enlightenment, the answers do come…🌈❓👼…the Facts are, that our HIGHER POWER has entrusted us, and feels us READY, to care for these things, these people’s , these places and situations..,🏡🏪👨‍👨‍👧‍👧 .. and we can now ask for the guidance and Acceptance to be grateful that we are on the right track…🚅🛣 …and AWARENESS comes, as it comes❗…But it always comes if we ask for it…🗣❓👼=🤗…we just have too be OPEN to RECEIVING IT!!!…👂✨😍…You my FABULOUS Friend..have a Great Day … and if no on has told you this morning, “I LOVE YOU❗…😊💖💝🐣🐥🐤🐘🌹🌻🐎🐴🐾🐻🐋😘😘😘

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