Many things we do in A.A. are in preparation for that crucial moment
when, walking down the street on a nice sunshiny day, we see a nice
cool cocktail lounge and the idea of having a drink pops into our
minds. If we’ve trained our minds so that we’re well prepared for that
crucial moment, we won’t take that first drink. In other words, if
we’ve done our A.A. homework well, we won’t slip when temptation
comes. In preparation for that crucial moment when I’ll be tempted,
will I keep in mind the fact that liquor is my enemy?
Meditation For The Day
How many of the world’s prayers have gone unanswered because
those who prayed did not endure to the end? They thought it was too
late, that they must act for themselves, that God was not going to
guide them. “He that endureth to the end, the same shall be saved.”
Can I endure to the very end? If so, I shall be saved. I will try to
endure with courage. If I endure, God will unlock those secret
spiritual treasures that are hidden from those who do not endure to
the end.
Prayer For The Day
I pray that I may follow God’s guidance, so that spiritual success shall
be mine. I pray that I may never doubt the power of God and so take
things into my own hands.