Living so fully. I can’t image what any drug would do for me.—Joan Baez—
When we were using alcohol and other drugs, our lives kept getting emptier. We tired to keep new things
out of our lives. We were scared and tired. We saw feelings as bad. So we got high instead of feeling them.
Now we can live fully every day. We don’t want to block our feelings. We aren’t afraid to opening up to new things and people.
And the more we open up, the happier we are. Our feelings are free. They bounce around. They don’t get stuck. We feel alive. Sure, we feel pain and fear sometimes. But we feel joy, love, and laughter too. And, more and more often, we feel alive.
Prayer for the Day: Higher Power, please help me live fully today. Help me notice my feelings.
Action for the Day: Today, I’ll list five things I’ve enjoyed in the last twenty-four hours.