Gina’s Story

“I was in active addiction since I was 13. I started doing heroin and continued using until I was 33.”Gina is an outgoing person, hence, her soul that shines through her eyes. Without hearing her story, you would never understand the trials and tribulations she endured to make it to where she is today. “In […]

I believe that all of my struggles are for a reason, and that one day, I can help encourage others because of them. In the spirit of being honest, for a long time, I felt that I needed to overcome my issues all alone. But in the midst of this, I am still learning acceptance […]
The road to recovery

How a helpful neighbor set this alcoholic on the road to recovery I’m an Alcoholic. My first drink led to my first blackout. Alcohol took away the shyness, paralyzing self-consciousness. It gave me a warm and happy new feeling that freed me up to do anything. I danced at parties, yelled in the street, sang […]
Rescued by a phone call

Was I born an alcoholic? I don’t know. All I know is that I am one. My story originates in England in 1939, where I was born into a world at war. My father was overseas serving King and Country, so my mother had the responsibility of caring for three children, plus coping with the […]
I had to learn the First Step

By the end of my drinking at age 32 I didn’t look too bad – at least on the outside. I had a lovely wife and two kids, we owned a nice house and I drove a nice car. But on the inside I was a complete mess. I was unable to hold down a […]
How can I find a reading from a prior day?
This Too Shall Pass

Chaos? Drama? Yes! No! Wait…ugh! Chaos and drama have been a part of my life since before I can remember. If I wasn’t the one causing it (which I usually was or at least had a part in), it seemed to always be around me. When I first got into the program and tried to […]
I Surrendered

By the grace of God and the Fellowship, I have 3 years sober this month. June 29,2016. The last few months of my drinking/drugging were the most despairing, chaotic, lonely, and hopeless months of my life. I couldn’t drink or take any amount of substance to numb the pain. I was using to feel normal […]
little doggie hangin

The skinny lady ahead of me turned sideways once but I think that was to see the price on these furry little doggies hanging down that the store was trying to get rid of fast. I don’t think she was too impressed because it didn’t take her long to read the tag and turn forward […]
Feverish Dreams to New Beginning

It was late summer, on a hot evening. All the windows are open and I’m watching a film in the living room with my fiancee. When the film finishes, I go through to the bedroom. Nothing looks quite right. Books that had been lined up on the windowsill are piled on the floor and on […]