Our Folded Hands

Women helping Women. Reaching out to the Sister who still suffers. Helping each other through the Good times and the Difficult times. To get to the SOBER way of life, One Day at a Time.

This Too Shall Pass

Chaos? Drama? Yes! No! Wait…ugh! Chaos and drama have been a part of my life since before I can remember. If I wasn’t the one causing it (which I usually was or at least had a part in), it seemed to always be around me. When I first got into the program and tried to get sober, it seemed that as soon as things were calm in my life I would self-sabotage and all hell would break loose again. It was as if I wanted the peace and serenity, but didn’t quite know how to function once I had it. Today holds a very different story for me thanks to my Higher Power whom I choose to call God, my 12 step program, and the support I have around me. As I type this there is chaos around me once again. My home has been disrupted by others, my dad is very ill, I have just started e-learning with my children due to COVID, my brother is back out using, and to top it all off I am trying to save my marriage and keep my family whole. In the midst of all this, I must remember that “this too shall pass.” Not only do I not need to create drama any longer, but I am comfortable in my own skin and in the peace that God has brought to my mind. When my disease tries to mess with me I have no qualms about praying, meditating, picking up the phone to call my sponsor or anyone else, or getting my butt to a meeting. I am ever so thankful to God and my program that I can still find peace and serenity when life seems chaotic or overwhelming.