But first of all we shall want sunlight; nothing much
can grow in the dark. Meditation is our step out into
the sun.
Sometimes I think I don’t have time for prayer and
meditation, forgetting that I always found the time
to drink. It is possible to make time for anything
I want to do if I want it badly enough. When I start
the routine of prayer and meditation, it’s a good idea
to plan to devote a small amount of time to it. I read
a page from our Fellowship’s books in the morning, and
say “Thank You, God.” when I go to bed at night. As
prayer becomes a habit, I will increase the time spent
on it, without even noticing the foray it makes into
my busy day. If I have trouble praying, I just repeat
the Lord’s Prayer because it really covers everything.
Then I think of what I can be grateful for and say a
word of thanks. I don’t need to shut myself in a closet
to pray. It can be done even in a room full of people.
I just remove myself mentally for an instant. As the
practice of prayer continues, I will find I don’t need
words, for God can, and does, hear my thoughts through