Our Folded Hands

Women helping Women. Reaching out to the Sister who still suffers. Helping each other through the Good times and the Difficult times. To get to the SOBER way of life, One Day at a Time.

Butterfly On A Pink Flower

Daily Reflections


Showing others who suffer how we were given help is the very
thing which makes life seem so worth while to us now. . . . the
dark past is . . . the key to life and happiness for others.
Alcoholics Anonymous, p.124

Since I have been sober, I have been healed of many pains:
deceiving my partner, deserting my best friend, and spoiling my
mother’s hopes for my life. In each case someone in the program
told me of a similar problem, and I was able to share what happened
to me. When my story was told, both of us got up with lighter