Character contributes to beauty. It fortifies a woman as her youth fades. —Jacqueline Bisset—
How common it is for us to be overly concerned with our looks.
The culture encourages it through our families, our friends, the media. Many of us anguished over our looks in years past, and the pain of fading youth haunts some even now. Perhaps it’s time for us to take special note of the women we admire for their achievements. We should emulate them, honor them, and celebrate their particular beauty—a beauty generally enhanced by dignity, perseverance, courage. We can cultivate our special interests. They’ll contribute to our achievements, which will add depth to our soul—the home of true beauty. Mature persons who acknowledge this true beauty are those we wish to attract into our lives. How fickle is the beautiful face! And even more fickle is the one who can see no deeper. Youth and its beauty are fleeting. Not so the beauty of the developing character; time strengthens it. The program makes character development not only possible but simple. Each of the Twelve Steps, any Step, offers us an opportunity to take charge of our lives, right now. I will remember, it’s who I am inside that truly counts in the lives of others.