Faith is like the air in a balloon. If you’ve got it you’re filled. If you don’t, you’re empty.
—Peggy Cahn—
Being faith-filled takes effort, not unlike becoming a good writer, tennis player, or pianist. Faith
grows within our hearts, but we must devote time to foster this growth. Daily discussions with God
are required, frequent quiet times to hear God’s messages to us–just as practice on the court, hitting balls or sitting for extended periods at the typewriter or a piano are necessary to attainment of these goals.
Life’s difficulties are eased when we have faith. The most frightening situation, a job interview, an evaluation with our boss, a showdown with a friend, can be handled confidently when we let our faith work for us. But, we must first work for it, work to attain it and work to keep it. Like any skill, it gets rusty with lack of use.
I will make sure to add to my reserves today. We never know when we may need to let our faith direct our every action. I will make a friend of my higher power, and that partnership will carry me over any troubled time.