In anxiety-provoking situations, many women feel unable to act. They find themselves at a loss to come up with an effective response, or any response at all. —Stanlee Phelps and Nancy Austin—
Feeling unable to act is a humiliation, perhaps an embarrassment, and it is habit-forming. Perhaps our inertia is due to our need to act “correctly” and the accompanying fear that we’ll err. Unfortunately, our fear of action reinforces itself. The only way to end the vicious cycle is to act–right or wrong. The surprise in store for us is that no action we take will be truly wrong. We will learn not only from the action itself, but from its ripples. The response to life we make through action will gratify us; it will nourish us and will make us dread less the next situation that calls for a response.
Opportunities for action are the stepping stones to emotional maturity. The more we “act,” the more able we are to act. And a new habit is formed. Taking action, even when I fear it’s wrong, is growth-producing. Without growth there is no life. Today, I will live!