It’s odd that you can get so anesthetized by your own pain or your own problem that you don’t quite fully share the hell of someone close to you. —Lady Bird Johnson—
Preoccupation with self can be the bane of our existence and it prevents all but the narrowest perspective on any problem. It cuts off any guidance from our higher power that may be offered through a friend. It blocks whatever truths are trying to gain our attention. The paradox is that whatever our pain, it is lessened by turning our attention elsewhere, to another’s pain or her joy. When we open our minds to fresh input from others, insights emerge. We need the messages others are trying to give us.
Nothing that is said in a loving spirit is empty of meaning for our lives. We might consider that every conversation we have is a conversation with our Creator. What we need to know, for our own growth, is guaranteed to be revealed in our many conversations with others. But we can’t hear another’s thoughts until we let go of our own. Full attention to the persons sent to me will offer me exactly what I need, today. My inner guide has beckoned them. I can be alert, expect solutions, and celebrate
the wonder of it all.