I have sacrificed everything in my life that I consider precious in order to advance the political
career of my husband. —Pat Nixon—
Putting another person’s needs first is what most of us were trained to do when growing up. We were seldom encouraged to embark on an individual course, and years of taking a back seat taught us that our hopes mattered little.Now for some of us, the future looks like a blank wall. It is time to carve out a plan for ourselves, yet how do we decide where we want to go? And how do we get there? The program says, “Live one day at a time.” Our friends say, “Take one step at a time.” We have chosen to do something about the circumstances we found ourselves in, or we wouldn’t be reading these words.
We can stop for a moment and reflect on the many changes thus far.We are already on our way. We have taken a number of necessary steps. What an exciting adventure we have embarked upon! And we will be helped all along the way. We can trust our inner yearnings, the ones we may have stifled in times past. We can realize our hearts’ pure desires, if we seek guidance.
My time has come. I can mold my future. I will take each day, each experience, and let it draw me to the next important step.