On occasion I realize it’s easier to say the serenity prayer and take that leap of faith than it is to continue doing what I’m doing. —S.H.—
The pain of change is a reality. But so is the pain of no change–when change is called for. In spite of our desires, changing others will never be an option, whereas changing ourselves takes only a decision and is a choice always available.
We can take an inventory for a moment. What are we presently doing that makes us ashamed or angry or fearful? We can let go
of that behavior and responsibly choose a new tack. If strength is needed, or confidence to try a new behavior, we can simply ask that it be ours. The Third Step promises that our lives are in God’s care and our needs are always being attended to–not always our wants, but in every instance our needs. Most of our struggles, today as in the past,
are attached to persons and situations we are trying to forcibly control. How righteous our attitudes generally are! And so imposing is our behavior that we are met with resistance, painful resistance. Our recourse is now and always to “accept those things we cannot change, and willingly change that which we can.” Our personal struggles will end when we are fully committed to the Serenity Prayer. The wisdom “to know the difference” is mine today.