. . . we could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world. —Helen Keller—
We chase after joy, like a child after a firefly, being certain
that in joy all problems are solved, all questions are answered. Joy has its rewards, and we deserve them. But life has more to teach us.
We need to learn patience; through patience we come to respect time and its passage, and we are mellowed.
We need to learn tolerance; through tolerance our appreciation of another’s individuality is nurtured. We need to learn self-respect;
self-respect prepares us to contribute more freely to our experiences, and we find wholeness.
Life’s travails are our opportunities for lasting, enriching joy. The rough spots deepen our understandings.
And these help us to bring joy to the lives of the friends near and dear.
I need not turn my back on joy. But I will be glad for all life’s experiences. The panorama will sustain me more fully.