Each day comes bearing its gifts. Untie the ribbons.
—Ruth Ann Schabacker—
How full life can be! We can untie the ribbons on this gift by keeping our spirits open. Open to life. Open to how much our Higher Power love
us. Who knows what the gifts the day may bring? Maybe it brings a solution to a problem. Maybe it brings the smile of a child. Maybe we’ll find a
new friend. Whatever gifts the day brings, we must be able to receive them. How do we do this? We keep our spirit open and lively through
prayer and meditation. Then we’ll be awake to see the beauty and the wonders life holds for us.
Prayer for the Day: Higher Power, remind me to pray to You often. Remind me to stop and listen to You. Remind me that You love me very much.
Action for the Day: At the end of the day, I’ll take time to list the gifts I’ve been given today. This will be first on my list: I am sober.