“When I was about 12, I used to think I must be a genius, but nobody’s noticed.”—
“We all have secret ideas about ourselves. How often we have said to ourselves, If only They knew…
But if we watch others, we see that many of their ideas are not so secret. We can often guess how they see themselves by the way they act. We all act out our secrets. Faith means trusting our Higher Power with our secrets. Faith in others means trusting them with our secret feelings. Why share these secrets? When we were using alcohol or other drugs we lived too much in a secret world. We need to give up the secrets that keep us from others. We need others in our lives. Our spirits need to be close to others.
Prayer for the Day: God, help me to live in ways I’m not ashamed to tell others. Allow me to meet you and others, free of shame.
Action for the Day: Today, I’ll share one of my secrets w/ a loving friend.”