Friendships, like marriages, are dependent on avoiding the unforgivable.
We need to remember that relationships are made up of people—people who are strong, but also fragile.
We don’t break easily, but we do break.We need to be aware of how fragile relationships are. Don’t say something that will
hurt others even if it’s honest. It’s mean to be honest with someone, without showing that you care for the person’s feelings.
We can learn to be honest without being cruel. The backbone of any relationship is this: we need to honor the rules and agreements we make. If we promise to be faithful to someone, we follow this rule. And we need to trust the other person to do the same. When we see that our agreements don’t work, we need to go to that person and talk about them.
Prayer for the Day: Higher Power, help me become a person who honors rules and agreements in my relationships.
Actions for the Day: I’ll make no promises today that I will not keep.