The present will not long endure. —Pindar—
At certain moments, our best friend is time. Time is a gift given us. Time helps us heal. We need to know that when things are tough, these times will pass, and peace will return. Our Higher Power can be like a parent who comforts a child when there’s a storm outside. The parent gently reminds the child the sun will shine again.
Tough times come and go. There will be times when life is ugly and very painful. We can’t be happy all the time. Remember, our Higher Power is always there. We must have faith in this. A saying often heard in the program is, “This too shall pass.”
Prayer for the Day: Higher Power, remind me that things will get better. Even if they get worst for a while, they will get better. Let this be my prayer in hard times.
Action for the Day: Today, I’ll list times in my life when I thought I couldn’t go on. I’ll remember the pain, but I’ll also remember how time was my friend.