Our Folded Hands

Women helping Women. Reaching out to the Sister who still suffers. Helping each other through the Good times and the Difficult times. To get to the SOBER way of life, One Day at a Time.

My Thought for the Day

🌞 Happy Morning to you Resilient Strong Woman and Friend and Sister❗😁🌴💪💃…instead of asking Ourselves what’s wrong, how about Starting the day with asking Ourselves, “What’s Right❓”…and Just maybe, we can get our day headed off in the right Direction…🤪🤔❓🧐🥳…Because it’s when we are looking at finding our Solutions and carrying our Messages on Our faces…what message do I want my face to read today, inviting and Loving or impatient and intolerant, these choices are mine?…🥰/👺…I think today I will choose to Turn my will over and Let GO and LET GOD❗😇🙏= PEACE OF mind…✌🧠…You are SO LOVED TODAY my SISTER…💐👭💜…and if no one has told you today, ” I Love You❗”…🤗💖💐🙋‍♀️😍🐨🐕🐈🌎🌈🦄💋💋