Good morning to a Beautiful Woman of this World
…Are You ready for what we can CONTRIBUTE to this DAY
…To see our HIGHER POWER WORK Beautiful and never ending changes in our lives, that seem to touch everyone and everything we seem to come in contact with
…We have been given another Twenty-Four Hours…
… Oh isn’t our Higher Power WONDERFUL
… IT gives us another Beautiful Day to share with those we LOVE
…That may or may not help us today, to try to do it BETTER than yesterday…
…and to forgive ourselves and those who wronged us…
…So We can become ALL WE ARE CREATED TO BE…
…A Strong, Creative, Resilient Woman… Who with a little encouragement and support, Can do all you have in your HEART to do and more
…You are an AMAZING FRIEND and TOGETHER we can make a DIFFERENCE
…YOU ARE NOT ALONE MY VALUABLE FRIEND…And if no one has told you today,”I LOVE YOU