Our Folded Hands

Women helping Women. Reaching out to the Sister who still suffers. Helping each other through the Good times and the Difficult times. To get to the SOBER way of life, One Day at a Time.

Pretty Purple Flowers

Each Day a New Beginning

Love has a hundred gentle ends.  —Leonora Speyer—
Letting go is a process that is seldom easy. For many, its meaning is elusive. How do we “let go”? Letting go means removing our attention from a particular experience or person and putting our focus on the here and now.

We hang on to the past, to past hurts, but also to past joys. We have to let the past pass. The struggle to hang on to it, any part of it, clouds the present. You can’t see the possibilities today is offering if your mind is still drawn to what was.
Letting go can be a gentle process. Our trust in our higher power and our faith that good will prevail, in spite of appearances, eases the process. And we must let each experience end, as its moment passes, whether it is good or bad, love or sorrow. It helps to remember that all experiences contribute to our growth and wholeness. No experience will be ignored by the inner self who is charting our course. All are parts of the journey.And every moment has a gentle end, but no moment is forgotten.
My journey today is akin to yesterday’s journey and tomorrow’s too. I will savor each moment and be ready for the next.