Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content. —Helen Keller—
There is wonder in the moment, if we but look for it, let it touch us, believe in it. And with the recognition and celebration of the wonder comes the joy we desire and await. Being wholly in tune with the present moment is how we’ll come to know the spiritual essence that connects all of life. We search for peace, happiness, and contentment outside of ourselves. We need instead to discover it within us, now and always, in whatever we are experiencing.We can let our experiences wash over us. Longing for a different time, a distant place, a new situation breeds discontent.
It prevents us from the thrill, the gifts offered in this present moment. But they are there.We can practice feeling joyful in the present, be thrilled with the realization that right now, all is well. All is always well. Life is full of mystery and wonder and each moment of our awareness adds to the wonder.
I am moving forward; we all are. I am on target. I am participating in a glorious, wonderful drama. Let me jump for joy. I have been specially blessed.