We must assist natural process that serve the function of reunification. —Joseph G. Hancock—
Some families in mild climates have begun to experiment with unified living: recycling wastes, growing food, and using only renewable sources like the sun and wind for power. Seen from the twelfth floor of an apartment building, in sub-zero weather, this is a radical gesture. Yet it’s a conservative way of living, asking for little, spoiling nothing, and putting back into the earth everything that’s taken out. We can all put back what we take out, but are we as careful of our emotional and spiritual processes? Or do we sometimes block them or try to erase them or hoard them up? The universe is one sphere. Energy flows through it, through polar bears and bacteria and Republicans and cranberries. Surrendering to the flow is our only way of achieving personal reunification. I can assist natural processes by giving my assent freely choosing unity.