Make yourself necessary to someone.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson—
We are each positioned, not by chance but by design, within the context of home, job, friends, and aquaintances. Our involvement with life around us, the myriad experiences that confront us, guides our growth. The gift of life obligates us to contribute our best efforts, our talents to the situations involving us. From them we’ll gain exactly those lessons we are ready to handle. Creation is interdependent. Every element, every human, every organism is necessary to the completion of the whole. How comforting to know that our existence is not mere chance.
The space we take here, now, is advancing the development of all aspects of life. We never need to doubt our value, our importance to others. being alive is the ultimate proof that each of us is necessary to the many persons in our lives. Gratitude for them, and for us, will strengthen our understanding. I will look upon my many human contacts today with real understanding. I am here by design.