I too am born and grown to be this thing only; to be Anna in the world. —Anna Rydstedt Dannstedt—
In all the world there is no one like you or no one like me.Even identical twin are not wholly alike. The sum of genetic information, experience, learning, desire, and memory that makes up each individual is absolute unique. At any given moment we represent that sum—and the next moment the sum is different. It follows that each of us is best in the world at one thing—being ourselves.
To let go of competition with others is to release within ourselves the creative energy to be the best we can. We need never stop growing; the task of developing our individuality last our whole life. Fortunately, it’s an absorbing task, and one that each one of us happens to be uniquely suited for. To be ourselves in the world is a glorious thing. We should stretch our spirits so that we inhabit our lives fully, and we will learn all we can.
Let this day be my teacher, and my mirror.