Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind. — Helen Keller—
With immeasurable ease we are able to pass through difficult times if we are tolerant of the people and circumstances that are beyond our control. Toleration is an acquired trait, but one that’s cherished once it’s securely developed. Toleration comes more easily when the real nature of our existence is understood. Our lives are purposeful;
however, no two lives share exactly the same goals or path. Each of us is fulfilling a destiny that’s designed only for ourselves; others’ activities or manners will be fitting only to them. Peace of mind is our due, but it will elude us if we’re ever trapped by our desire to direct another’s steps. Freedom to live the day fully accompanies a tolerant attitude. Precious moments that could enhance personal development need never be wasted on fantasies of controlling others— fantasies that can never become realities. My achievements today can be many if I’m not wasting precious moments anguishing over persons I can’t control.