We succeed in enterprises which demand the positive qualities we posses, but we excel in those which can also make use of our defects. —Alexis de Tocqueville…
Those areas of our lives we struggle with the most, such as impatience, control, energy, or procrastination, offer us opportunities for great victories. But even more, they
offer greater learning, and the greatest chance for further growth and development when we relinquish our struggle. We can be certain that any activity attracting our involvement will provide chances to demonstrate both our positive qualities and our defects.
Our human need to be rid of our human defects can hamper our progress, keeping us stuck in old behavior. But when we’ve come to accept defects as normal we can even capitalize on them. They define who we are momentarily. We need to remember that defects are generally assets that have become twisted with use. Therefore, we can understand their origin and smooth off the rough edges. Assets and defects will switch places in our repertoire. We can use each for the greater good of the enterprise deserving our attention.
Defects have so much to teach us. They offer us meaningful opportunities for growth and mature action. Today’s assets were yesterday’s defects and where we stumble today, tomorrow we’ll glide.
My defects will offer me new learning today if I relinquish my incessant urge to be free of them.