Humor is such a strong weapon, such a strong answer.
—Agnes Varda—
We take life so seriously, certain that the situation confronting us, or at least the next one, will doom us. We gravely anticipate what lies ahead and assuredly we’ll
experience what we expect. The power to lighten our load rests within. We’re only a decision away from an easier life, one that’s built with laughter rather than perpetual gloom.
Few of us are aware of the therapeutic effects of laughter. As Norman Cousins demonstrated in his battle with illness, laughter can activate our total being, recharging
the whole system. Besides the positive visceral effects, laughter grants a balanced perspective in life that encourages greater emotional health. Laughing at our human
foibles takes away their sting, reducing them to minor irritants, the kind that are easily forgotten when we’ve developed a healthier perspective.
Nothing has power over us except by our consent. No problem, no difficult person, assumes command unless we’ve abdicated our own position of power. Remember
the strength laughter lends us when a situation gets snarled. Every situation has a humorous interpretation. My day will be lengthened if I look for reasons to laugh. Without fail, they are present.